A time for reflection. A time to be grateful.

The leaves have fallen and the weather is much cooler here in Iowa. This is always a favorite time of year as I wind up projects from the past year and begin to lay out ideas for the coming one.
The slowing down of November offers a good time for reflection. As I think back on so many dogs and people we’ve worked with who have impacted That’s My Dog, I want to express gratitude for all the experiences we’ve shared together. Some of them have been joyful and some have been challenging, but each experience leads to new insight and a bit more growth in our personal and professional development.
This past year we have had several very interesting cases. Dogs with significant behavioral problems that forced us to work in slightly different ways, dogs with confidence issues who made us proud as we watched them grow and develop a sense of themselves, and of course we’ve had many young, fun loving pups who we are watching grow into lovely family companions. Through all those training sessions, there has been you, the owners, families and children we’ve been privileged to work with. I hope we’ve helped you learn more about how your dogs think and learn and you enjoy many years of fun together.
There are also some great dogs that left us this year. I began offering training in 1994 so I’ve come to meet many dogs and grow close to a large number of them. Each year brings a cycle of new dogs joining us and old dogs saying goodbye.
I know the hole it leaves in the heart when we lose them so I am very humbled and grateful to hear stories and share memories when someone reaches out to let me know of the passing of their companion. I have not forgotten your dogs, nor the impact they have made on me and my staff. Each dog we share time with has something to teach us.
Whether they teach us patience, persistence, engage our sense of humor or our sense of humility, they leave an imprint. I hope you all can take some time for reflection. I hope you take the time to make more memories and enjoy the beautiful fall weather with your dogs.
Happy Thanksgiving!