Private Dog Training Lessons

Private Lesson Program
That’s My Dog! offers private dog training lessons for owners interested in a educational “do-it-yourself” approach to training their dog. Private lesson participants learn how to utilize and implement the training techniques used by That’s My Dog! professionals to achieve a happy, obedient and well-mannered dog. Individuals learning to train their dog through private lessons must be committed to practicing on a daily basis in order to be fair to their dog and keep up with the expectations and curriculum.
In the Private Lesson program you and your dog will learn the same set of skills taught in our Board and Train Obedience Program. The skill set includes: Come when called, Walking nicely on leash, Sit/stay, Down/stay, Place command, Waiting at open doors, and dropping items from the mouth when told. Plus stopping nuisance behavior such as barking, jumping, and play biting.
$995.00 Includes:

- Five private dog training lessons. (45 – 90 minutes in length).
- Dogtra remote training collar appropriate for your dog’s sensitivity level.
- 6 Months of Group Polishing Classes.
- Lifetime attendance to TMD’s On-The-Go! Classes
The first four of the Private Lesson Program lessons are held at the TMD facility. The fifth lesson can be a home lesson or a field trip of owner’s choice. After completion of lessons, owners and their dogs are invited to Group Polishing Classes. These classes will help you fine tune your dog’s ability to behave around many distractions, including other dogs.
If you are uncertain if private lessons are right for you and your dog, please review our training video to better understand the differences.