Rehabbing Callie Week 3

Callie is in her finial week of training here at That’s My Dog! If you have been following her progress you remember that she came to use with the primary problem of dog to dog aggression.
Well, this week Callie is running off leash in the field with other dogs. Yahoo!, this is big progress. Callie is a very high energy dog and she will always need supervision and some management around other dogs, but she has learned some much improved ways of communicating. She is not causing a stir every time another dog comes around, she can walk down the street and mind her own business as other dogs pass, AND she is playing with other dogs. We are cautious of course to only allow her around stable dogs at this point, but we are confident because she is young, that her good habits will continue and carry her through the remainder of her life.
She will be going home at the end of the week and we are sure her owners will be pleased with the tremendous progress she has shown.
If you are having problems with your dog, please contact us for a FREE evaluation.