Professional Dog Training Makes for Good Photo Opportunities!

professional dog trainer friend of mine from Boston, MA sent this holiday greeting of her Doberman Pincher and Yorkie. This photo not only made us smile but goes to show the fun of having a pet with good dog training. Being able to pose your dog for photos is one of the advantageous of knowing how to obedience train a dog. The skill of being able to have the dog simply stay in one place and look at the camera demonstrates the usefulness of a Place command and maintaining the dogs attention.
Of course the more advanced skill of teaching the trained retrieve also helps in maintaining the dog’s hold on that spoon! There are many pros who can help you teach these things to your dog. Check out our list of graduates for someone in your area.


Hi Robin
Alex is making Christmas cookies. She thought the directions said: 1 PUP, flour and sugar.

NOT BAD….Most dogs cant even read THAT good.

Merry Christmas,
Ike, Alex & Gioia