The trouble with celebrities!

Meet Sparkle. The Starlet, queen of the the sofa. Or so she thinks!
Yep, that’s what happens when a good looking blonde gets a staring role in That’s My Dog’s newest television commercial. In her debut performance as *the paw* she directs viewers to the wonders of
Upon learning of her expected 12 month regional cable engagement, airing on the likes of The Animal Planet and TNT we hear she has become quite the prima-donna.
Her humble servants, Gary and Linda tell us the average fare no longer satisfies her princess palate. Oh no, only the prime cuts for this precocious pup. Recently, she has been spotted at the Naughty Dog Cafe and (shhhh) we hear she will no longer wear her panties. Scandalous!!
Say Woof Sparkle, your fans are watching!