Dubuque Dogs getting in the Halloween Spirit?

Tommy and I recently did our annual Halloween photo shoot. Remember last year’s post? We had so much fun and Diva got in the act as well.
I love Halloween…or any excuse to play dress up for both me and my dogs. 🙂 This year I chose the role of law breaker and Tom kept me on the straight and narrow.
This isn’t the photo that made the final cut for upcoming TASC Halloween blog, but I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. I thought Tom did such a good job holding his pose!
We recently had our That’s My Dog! Halloween Party and everyone did a great job participating. The dogs tolerated our silliness and all the humans were good sports as well! There are a few photos here on our Facebook Fan Page.
For now, I just want to remind you to exercise caution on Wed. night when the little ghouls and goblins are visiting your neighborhood. It is probably safest and easiest just to keep your pets confined in another room or safely kenneled until all the door bell ringing is over.
Even the most well socialized dog could be stressed by the activity and the last thing you need is to chase Fido down the block if he decides to bolt the door and join in all the hoopla.
Also bear in mind while you can raid the loot, keep your pets from the candy. Not only is chocolate toxic, but pets are libel to eat the candy foil wrapper and all.
And finally, if you like setting the mood with candles watch out for those long tails. It is pretty easy for the cat or dog to clear the table in one fell swoop.
Have fun and Happy Howl-O-Ween!!
* Special thank you to Jessica Bowling & Capri College for makeup, Mike Keating, Set Design and Photography and Maddie MacFarlane, Dog Training and Assistance